Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fourth Testimony in Buffalo, NY – Missionary Work

October 29, 2010

What a blessing it is to know that my Heavenly Father has give me the opportunity to serve Him in the name of Jesus Christ. Every day I strive to do the very work the Lord wants me to do. While it is very important to pray to know the will of the Lord, sometimes the Lord just wants you to throw yourself out there start working. I would like to demonstrate the many ways the Spirit has been helping me carry out the works of the Lord.

Sometimes we desire to be left alone and not have to do anything with anyone. I found as I have practiced that in the past, it closed doors for opportunity to bless others in their lives. Sometimes people need that person to talk to, to listen to, and to share information. Because I have allowed myself to be open and talk with people, I have created a warm, safe, and friendly environment with those people so that they can know that someone actually cares for them; someone who cares about their well being or about life. Once the connection is established, it will allow person to feel comfortable and want to make them talk more.

At that point, I share that information about myself and tell them that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and share my testimony as I have already done plenty of times thanks to the works of the Spirit. Since my testimonies are the absolute foundation of my faith, I always make an effort to make sure that my testimonies are shared. People seem to be very drawn when testimonies are shared in the proper way. The person can have one of many reactions but thanks be to God, that through the Spirit, as my constant companion, I have been able to bear my testimony and have it received by other in the most positive way. There have been times where people have totally rejected it even as I attempt to fight back and defend them [the testimonies].

I have had the privilege and honor of assisting Elder John D. Wilson and Elder Ashton Cook in assisting them with their missionary work. I have been joining them here and there in helping teach an investigator. The Spirit dwells in me so much while on being with the investigator that I come out a different person after the lesson. It brings to me much joy and peace knowing how far I’ve come along when I have the opportunity to help another person along their journey of sharing the Gospel. It has been quite a difficult journey working with those who have completely rejected this Gospel, have been striving to disprove me, and think that I am brainwashed. I know that as I receive strong persecution and denial, I know it is the work of the Devil trying to tumble me down because he envies this love and passion I have to serve the LORD and he wants me to draw further away from the LORD.

As I conclude, I wanted to finish off by saying that I know that this Church is true. Through all that I’ve endured, I know that God, the Father has been with me since the day I acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Savior and desired to follow Him. I know that through the work of the Spirit, I was brought to where I am now. Look at how much stronger my faith has become. The Lord has blessed me with this faith because I have been obedient to His commandments. The Lord loves me no matter what happens. His love will always draw me back to His presence. God, the Father is a God of peace, love, and mercy. Some people think I’m absolutely out of it because I’m busting myself trying to follow all of the LORD’s commandments to receive Eternal Life. The truth of the matter is, it is the Spirit that enables me to follow His commandments. It is the Spirit that gives me faith and hope. It is the Spirit that brings me comfort when I am down. I am serving the LORD with a happy smile on my face. I am not busting myself. I still live life and continue on as a regular human being. Human beings in their natural fallen state mess up and that is why we are called to repent. We are unworthy to receive any of God’s gifts but it is through His grace that we can receive Eternal Life, but that gift cannot be received unless our lives are reflected upon living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to live my life for Jesus Christ because I'm forced to by the laws of the Gospel, I want to live my life for Jesus Christ because I sincerely want to and want to shine His light upon others. In the name of Jesus Christ do I claim that these things are true, Amen!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Praise Him! All glory and honor and thanks be to the LORD God

Dear bretheren and sisters,

It is amazing how far I've come in my journey with Jesus Christ.  What an amazing transformation done by the Spirit that brought me this far.  I am so grateful for what Jesus Christ has done because He has provided a bridge to connect a relationship between my Heavenly Father and I.  I wanted to make it clear that I confess that while I did make the right choices to get me to where I am now - all the glory and praise be to Christ Jesus whom by His Spirit - I was and still am able to do all things.  There is nothing good I can do apart from the Spirit because my fallen human nature will always be subject to sin.  I am a man of many imperfections but because I have been walking with Jesus, he has turned those imperfections into strengths.  I am no longer called a sinner - but He calls me His friend and bretheren and because of that I am drawn so deeply into His ways which I would like to continue to follow.  The commandments that I follow are not of mine but of our LORD God.  I cannot claim "well I did this, this and that and I've been doing this good and this very good". Yes, I chose to do this, that and that because I want to fall in love with my Savior and be obedient to His commands.

His atonement has set me free and as long as I endure to the end and continue as I am, then my salvation will be complete after the LORD God has judged me by the desires of my heart and of my works which again is not the works I contributed on behalf of fallen myself, but the works that come from how well I was obedient to Jesus' commands THROUGH the sole guidance of the Spirit and because of Him I have been able to manifest my desires to serve the LORD God through works.  The Spirit is what helps me become more obedient as I chose to do so.  God provided that free agency to us so we can learn how to distinguish from right from wrong and to be able to chose the right choices.  For that reason my faith is solely focused on the Holy Ghost who teaches me of what right choices to make.  Because I am imperfect - I will not always be able to listen to even the most gentle promptings of the Spirit and even at times the most alerting.  Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, I can receive repentance and refrain from making that same wrong choice.

Because of Jesus holds the keys to all righteousness, it is absolutely important that I rely on His righteousness for Him to bring to pass the eternal life that is a gift;  for it is faith in Jesus Christ that is counted as righteousness and not of my own self-righteous ways or works because my fallen nature could never be counted as good or righteous.  Faith is followed up by action which is comes from obedience to the Gospel and commandments of Jesus Christ.  Faith is manifested through works - that is the works of Christ.  That is why I cannot boast of what I do because the very works that I strive to carry out of are CHRIST'S whom by His Spirit, I am compelled to do so.

I am by no means any better than a single soul on earth.  For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God and therefore we DESERVE  death.  But it is through his GRACE that I may receive His gift of Eternal Life if I believe [follow] Him. I am here on this Earth to fulfill the will of the Lord.  He has some tasks for me to accomplish and He also has a specific plan for my life - all to carry out His work.  I can very easily turn the other way around and sin and bring dishonor to the name of the Lord...BUT since I am captivated by the LOVE OF GOD,  I don't want to turn that other way.  When the Spirit is strong in me I know I am at my most obedient level.  Even as I continue to sin or break off because things happen - I will always be drawn back to the "presence of the LORD" because there is no love greater than the one my God provides and that is the very thing that drives me to serve HIM!

So where in the picture do I fall? Am I here on Earth to glorify myself or glorify Christ?  Surely we all know the answer.  Praise and glory be to the LORD God Almighty for bringing forth WONDERFUL works among His servants.  I boast in the LORD God Almighty for all of HIS works and not of mine.  The LORD's way is the BEST way.  I pray that I will continue to be obedient to the promptings and teachings of the Spirit which will keep me on the path to Eternal Life.   Amen.

Another Testimony in Syracuse, NY - 10.22.10 - 10.24.10

October 25th, 2010

This weekend was an absolutely powerful and precious experience for me. As a Latter-day Saint, I believe in receiving personal revelation that can help me grow closer to Jesus Christ. I felt something so wonderful that I couldn't resist the tears. God revealed His love for me through Jesus Christ who is also my Lord, my God. My passion for Jesus Christ has been radically on fire and I can never stop thinking of Him. My confidence and hope in Jesus Christ has also dramatically increased knowing that I can't EVER do anything without Him. I cannot live my life and think that I can achieve eternal life on my own without Jesus and His atonement. The more I am bound in the love of Jesus, the more I feel drawn to Him. God's love is irresistible - whether I fall away or if I do wrong or if I'm just not on my A game, it's okay because God is merciful and that is why we now have Jesus Christ to provide repentance to those who seek it. God is long-suffering, slow to anger, gracious, and merciful. God cares about me so much that He is willing to wait out a long time to suffer for me and wait for my return. I do not boast on my own means but I boast because I clearly see the work of Christ being played out in my life. I thank Jesus for the work He has been doing in me. I've never been so excited in sharing how much I love Jesus because I've never had the confidence to say that before. I can never escape God's presence because I'm always drawn back to it no matter how much I mess up.

On the evening of Saturday, October 23 of 2010, after worshipping Jesus and praying with the other Christians and then hanging out afterward, I went into a hiding place..bowed down, picturing myself at the feet of Jesus, and proclaimed him as Lord.  Jesus Christ is [a] God. This was one of the experiences after I was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ where I specifically prayed to Jesus Christ where my usual prayer is directed to Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ is not God the Father but he is God in form of the Son serving different functions from the Father. I know that all three members of the Godhead are God themselves but again, manifesting themselves in separate bodies and have different functions but all are one God in purpose. They strive to bring upon the immortality and eternal life of man. The term God is a title held to the members of the Godhead.  Without any of the members of the Godhead, it could no longer be the Godhead.  We would not have any access to Heavenly Father without our mediator Jesus Christ.

As a representative of the Church of Jesus Christ, I know that these very things are true. The Book of Mormon has been an absolute blessing in my life.  It has enhanced my understanding of the Bible.  Many of the things found in the Book of Mormon strongly emphasize certain ideas in the Bible such as learning how to love one another better, learning how to forgive others (the account of 1 Nephi helps me understand why forgiveness is important), and to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death (Mosiah 18:9).  These are the things the Spirit has been teaching me and because I have been obeying and listening to the Spirit, I have been blessed in so many ways.

The Book of Mormon TESTIFIES that the Bible is true in the opening remarks of the Book. The Bible is the Word of God [as far as it is translated correctly with the KJV being the most correct] and I also believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God as well.

I wanted to make it clear that I will not ever stop having an open mind. I want to be able to participate in as much activities as I can with other non-Latter Day Saints.  I want to be apart of small groups and Bible studies and understand people's perspective. Because I kept an open mind and heart, I know that God was able to reveal many great things to me. I loved engaging in conversation with my small group. I spoke with my small group leader of the conference for like about an hour and a half about my Church and we got along very well. My main goal of being present at Expedition was to seek after God, know of His nature, and also bring peace between I, as a Latter-day Saint Christian, and other Non-Latter Day Saints Christians.

I also came to the realization about my past life. I believe that all of my experiences from the moment I accepted and acknowledged Christ as Lord and Savior to now - it was and is meant to bring glorify the work of Christ because he's been the driving force behind my desires to serve the world in His name and even more so now with the Holy Ghost as my constant companion. I see my time in the other churches spent well because it eventually prepared me to receive the full gospel that was restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith. No one is perfect but we know God is and that is why I look up to Him.  My Church has the order that existed in the Primitive Church and we receive guidance and direction through revelation. I do not regret anything throughout my journey with Christ because it has brought forth great and positive things.

I wanted to leave you with my testimony that I know this Church [of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints] that I am a baptized member of is true. I know that Joseph Smith did see God and Jesus Christ as two personages in the Sacred Grove in Palmyra, NY. I know that Jesus Christ loves me so much that He died for me - even as I continue to sin and fall short (because we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God), I know that my reward is eternal life with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ whom I am so eager to meet when I stand before Jesus Christ on my right hand side and He tells me the work has been done that I truly did believe that He died for me so that I may have eternal life and be placed in the highest most glorious place of His Kingdom after being judged accordingly - I cannot wait for that day. In the name of Jesus Christ - my Lord, My King, My God, my Savior - all whom I can never do anything to make up for what He did other than honor my life in His name. Amen!

Baptism under the Church of Jesus Christ - 10.9.10

October, 9, 2010

Today, I made a new covenant with God giving up my life to Him in the name of Jesus Christ.  My desire to follow Jesus and be obedient to His commandments has increased to a point even where even after today, after being baptized, I can't even explain.  The joy, peace, and comfort that abided and still abide in me are just amazing.  I just remember the immediate comfort that followed after the baptism.  I was extremely nervous because I knew that this covenant I was making with God is absolutely serious.  Knowing how imperfect I am and perfect He is allowed for me to understand why there is a need for a Savior.  Jesus Christ has bridged that gap for me to have that relationship with Heavenly Father.  Elder John D. Wilson, the missionary who has been teaching me for the last 8-10 weeks, baptized me.  I'm inspired by all the work of the missionaries and their dedication and love for Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.  Everyday, there is a spark that is igniting the fuel for me to serve a mission.  I want to share the true gospel with people who have not heard the full gospel.  During my baptism, I had been reflecting on how much I have changed since I have been meeting with the missionaries.
It is the work of the Spirit of Christ that has been slowly transforming my life as I have been keeping His commandments.  The more I am obedient, the less desire I have to sin and the more desire I want to do the will of my Heavenly Father.  I'm not perfect and I will always make mistakes but I know that because Jesus paid it all through His atonement, I can rely on His blood to return with my Heavenly Father who loves me so much and wants to share all that He has with me.  I am absolutely excited about the opportunity I had made today to make this covenant with God.  I know that I can endure to the end knowing that I have to first endure each day and set daily goal because each day has its own set of dealings.  I do not understand exactly everything about the atonement of Jesus Christ but Jesus just commanded me to FOLLOW HIM and He will show me and help me to understand his sacrifice through His Spirit.  I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me and I know that God's way is the best way so continuing to live in the light of Christ will help me develop the strength to carry out even the most difficult tasks the Lord commands me to do - it just requires faith him Him and faith is manifested through works.  This baptism gave me HOPE that I can endure this journey to the end.
I testify to everyone that Jesus is the Christ.  Joseph Smith DID see God and Jesus Christ as TWO SEPERATE personages and received a calling as a prophet from God himself.  President Monson is the living prophet on the earth today whom we seek counsel and revelation from. I do not worship or follow President Monson or Joseph Smith as gods, but I acknowledge the truthfulness of their teachings.  It is all the Lord’s work and not of ours.  It is such an honor and privilege to be serving Jesus Christ whom this journey that I have started not today, but a while ago, cannot be done without Him.  Tomorrow I will be receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost as my constant companion.  This is the same Spirit of Christ that will carry out the wonderful works that I have already seen played out in my life. This I testify all of this in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

First Testimony and the Witness of the Holy Ghost at the Palmyra Sites - 9.11.10

September 11, 2010

Today, I went to Palmyra, NY- about an 1hr and 30 mins from Buffalo and had an experience that I will never forget.  While I was watching the video of Joseph Smith's life - There was a part of the movie where Joseph Smith was reading a verse from James 1:5 which states "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given to him" and he went into the Sacred Grove near his home in Palmyra, NY to kneel down and pray to God the Father which Church was true.  The part where God and Jesus Christ came down as two personages and spoke to Him is where I began to feel something I could not describe.  I could not move, I could not breathe, I could not talk - I felt something so powerful I could not even deny it.  I understood more of what I felt after I watched the movie and went up the Hill Cumorah where I read this verse:  "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost" Moroni 10:4.  The Holy Ghost revealed to me the truth today and I cannot deny the power that was instilled in me today and it would almost be impossible to say it is a lie. I realized that a whole new opportunity to know more about this Church and about who Jesus Christ and who the Heavenly Father is.

Back in 2008, I became a Christian through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship - a non-denomination group that intends on uniting believers of all backgrounds.  I started off going to Southern Baptist Church where I met a couple of great friends and a great Pastor. A couple of months later, I decided that since I was going to be a pilot (how random right?), it would be wise to stay near my hometown area because I really did want to go back home and I had the opportunity to work on my career there.  Returning to New York City and living my life at home has been one of the worst experiences I can imagine.  Sin seeped through my blood and I cursed the name of God.  The temple of my body was so unclean that not even the world’s greatest and strongest supply of Clorox could wash away the stains that I left in my temple.  Lust was the reason why I lost my faith in New York.  I gave into the desires of the flesh and not of the Spirit of righteousness.  I was extremely rebellious against God and everything about Him that I was bitter to anyone who brought up the subject.  I started realizing this was getting worse and worse and eventually I would need to put a stop to it.  Not even my mentors, or my Church could do anything about it.

Towards the end of my time in NYC - I realized that I needed to go back up to Buffalo. I felt a strong calling up there.  I was planning to spend 4 weeks in Buffalo to hang out with friends - get used to living with my roommate and adjusting to life in Buffalo as I was preparing to live on my own in January of 2011.  I found I could fly for half the price up in Buffalo and still attend college up there.  I was planning to attend Niagara University but it was a very expensive option and I knew I had more options in Buffalo - since it is a larger city and there were more opportunities for work and the commute from the East Side to the West Side wouldn't be so bad.  I also thought about my faith- I knew that I had to do something about it.  I don't remember or recall if I had said a prayer  or not but I somehow knew that if I went up back to Buffalo – my faith would be restored.  I went up to Buffalo and stayed there for a couple of days until I realized that I had a strong feeling in my heart that I should stay.  I didn't know whether to reject it or not but I went along with it as I knew it would be more reasonable to start attending school in Buffalo as well as finding a couple of jobs to make and save money for pilot school.

I started attending my roommate's Church and I wanted to learn more about the Mormon religion and what its beliefs were.  I was set up to meet with two young fine Elders named Elder Wilson (19) and Elder Lewis (23).  I was very skeptical of them at first because they were throwing in a whole new set of teachings that contradicted many of the mainline Christian ideas which I later realized had an absolute connection with the mainline Christian ideas.  After meetings and meetings with these fantastic Elders - who have taught me so much about what Mormonism truly is and the values for which it stands for - I realized that it wasn't such a bad Church. They taught me what I needed to know about Jesus Christ and God and about the Church and learn that I could have an opportunity to grow even CLOSER to them as I obey the commandments and receive the ordinances necessary for salvation.  Because Jesus Christ holds the keys to Salvation – I knew that keeping his commandments and being obedient the laws of his gospel would provide the gateway for salvation for all those who truly follow Him. I started to realize that their teachings were making a little more sense to me.  

This morning, before I went to Palmyra, I had a conversation with God and talked with Him at length about all that was going on.  I asked the Father to reveal to me what the truth of the matter is.  So many beliefs and ideas and such were thrown at me that I didn't know how to handle them so that is why I specifically asked to Father to reveal to me what the truth is. I told him how scared I was about advancing in my faith and perhaps this was an opportunity to do so as I learned that many people, many Christians do not favor the teachings of the Mormon Church but no one can seem to answer the question of why they are the fastest growing Christian Church in the world.  While I realize that a Church that has multitude of members is not a valid reason -- by many Christians who argue against the trueness of the Church -- that the Church is true.  The Church members’ testimonies are an absolutely valid reason to argue that the Church is true. I tried the best of my ability to ensure that my prayer was sincere enough so that God could reveal to me the truth and within a couple of hours - the truth hit me hard like never before.  Never had I felt such power the way I felt it today in my life. This is what I have to testify, take it or leave it, I'm sticking to it.  The Book of Mormon is absolutely true.  I believe that God has revealed, continues to reveal, and will reveal the very things pertaining to His Kingdom and although I don't understand everything, I know that God will eventually make the things I don't understand known to me whether in this life or the next.

I know that through the power of Jesus Christ - I will be made a better man.  My life has transformed so much after I first became a Christian but it didn't last long.  I believe that following the teachings of the true Church of Jesus Christ will make me a greatest man I will ever be and advance me in my faith more than I can ever imagine. This is the new chapter I am starting in my life and through Jesus - I will demonstrate the love and the passion he showed to his people and I have made a promise or WILL make a promise if I had not been sincere enough yet to follow Jesus and endure until the end.  God, through Jesus has restored the faith that I had lost in NYC and I know that I will be a strong man of God.  I say these things in the name of my beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.